
Let’s talk about what you need to do to keep your child enjoying his day care experience. First of all he or she needs to have the proper attire for play: Shoes that they are able to take off and put on without much trouble. (Please make sure they are not too tight.) Make sure they have clothes that reflect our weather. I suggest you get washable tennis shoes since I
am a firm believer in playing outdoors, fresh air, running and outdoor exercise is just wonderful for them. And we have just the yard for it. Big and spacious play areas. Lots of equipment. Plenty of variety. The environment is safe and protected.

Jackie’s Philosophy

Children learn through play. I try to provide as many opportunities for them to "discover" things about the world they live in but I do not interfere or interpret what they discover for them, instead I ask them what they have learned. Children are really very bright and do not need to be talked down to but treated as special little individuals with much to share.
Each child brings a new and exciting personality to my day care and I try not to stifle their personality but to nurture it and only help them with 'socialization' skills, and to guide them in areas where they all need guidance. My teaching is limited as far as structure goes. I provide art supplies for them to experiment with, I teach them how to use the tools they will be using when they get to school. It is not necessary for them to 'learn' anything except their names, address & phone, color identification & recognizing letters of the alphabet before attending Kindergarten. I do not want to push them into learning when this will be a kindergarten process anyway. My goals are to "prepare" them for kindergarten by helping them understand how to let other children have turns, respect one another and obedience to authority.
We try to keep a learning environment here. We experiment with different aspects all the time. We ask a lot of
questions.;....."Why do you think the leaves fall off the trees when it gets cold? How come ducks can stay dry when they are in the water? Why do you think mommy doesn't want you to talk to strangers? " I have them tell me stories too. Be sure to enjoy your children in the evening as much as I do during the daytime. I try to give them a rest period every day so that they can spend some quality time with their parents without being all worn out from the day. However sometimes we aren't able to. Try to spend a little time reading to them in the evening to relax them. They like to talk about the books that mommy or daddy reads to them at home. Don't forget to

Child Care Goals

To prepare children for their future:
Enable children to follow simple directions
Teach children when it is appropriate to sit and listen.
Give children concrete knowledge that will enable them to visualize concepts taught at school.
Encourage a love of music and books.
Enable each child to be self-confident, and to have
self respect.
Help children verbalize needs and ideas.
Teach the children to work out differences using language.
Teach respect for others’ differences.
Teach the children to have a sense of wonder and to think about the things around them.
Have each child enjoy their childhood to the fullest by encouraging:
Each child to laugh.
Each child to have fun.
Each child to experiment and to have the self-confidence to make mistakes.


Breakfast, lunch, and pm snack will be provided. I belong on the food program, which insures your child gets a well- balanced meal and snack. If child is arriving after the scheduled lunchtime, be sure your child has already eaten. Do not bring candy or gum. Parents are welcome to bring cupcakes or cake for child's birthday celebration. I will provide breakfast between 7:30 am and 8:30 am. Our lunch period is between 11:00am & 11:30am. Afternoon snack is 3:00 pm.


I do not care for children who are feverish. If they have thrown up or had diarrhea within the last 24 hours please keep them home. If they have a green discharge from their nose they must be on an anti-biotic for 24 hours before they can attend. Please be more considerate of the other children. I am going to crack down on this because there has been too much sickness lately. You have to keep sick children at home, please. You would expect the same from the other parents, I am sure. If your child is not feeling well don't give them Tylenol to mask their symptoms . If your child throws up the night before and seems fine the next day, he is still contagious to the others. You must wait 24 hours. They all use the same toilet. They are very affectionate with each other and it is very difficult to keep a sick child from infecting everyone else. When I am sick, my substitute caregiver is my Husband Dave.


The provider will not accept the child for care if any of the above symptoms are present or have been present within the last 24 hours. If the child shows any if the above symptoms while in care, the provider will remove the child from the group and notify the parent or authorized adult to pick up the child. Parents have one hour from time of notification to pick up the child. The child may return 24 hours after a temperature has returned to normal, 24 hours after the child is no longer vomiting, or 24-48 hours, depending upon the illness, after the first dose of an antibiotic. The child is welcome when they have only a mild cold( e.g. runny nose or mild cough), but is able to participate in the day's activities. The parents agree to keep their child's immunizations up to date in accordance with the laws of the state. Verification by child's doctor will be required yearly.


Provider will administer oral medications. All medications must be brought in original containers. Parents will be required to fill out an administration of medication release and dosage form for each medication. Parents will be advised of amounts
and times that medications were administered while in provider's care. Do not leave any medications in diaper bags brought
to the providers home. Hand them directly to the provider with the signed medication form.


When you feel your child is ready for toilet teaching, I ask that you begin this teaching at home. I will follow through and
encourage your child while in my care. Please keep in mind that the activity level here can distract your child from
responding to an urge to use the potty, more so than at your home. Therefore, I will continue to use diapers, Huggies or
Pull-ups until your child can announce that he/she must use the bathroom and can control his/her bladder and bowels for a
few minutes.


Children are welcome to bring a toy or book with them, if it is safe for all ages of the children in the group. Do not bring
rubber knives or swords as the children tend to "poke" each other with these and they do hurt.
Do not bring children with any small or potentially dangerous objects (e.g. super balls, coins, buttons, balloons, game
pieces, Barbie Doll shoes, anything made of glass, pins or sharp objects).
Do not bring your child with make-up or chap stick. If chap stick is needed it will be placed with other medications and
applied as needed by provider. The children always want to "share" these items

Helpful Tips for Drop-Off and Pick-Up Time

At Drop-Off Time

Please be brief. A cheerful good-bye and a hug & kiss is really helpful for your child to start the day off right. I cannot
always hold your child immediately, but I will try to engage them in an activity, or have them sit by me, if that is more
comfortable for them.

Mornings are hectic for everyone. Please don’t be frustrated when your child is clinging to you. This is healthy and normal
behavior. So are some tears. Just cheerfully say goodbye, and leave.

Listen at the window, if you have the time. You will hear the sounds of children playing happily and getting busy with their
day. If you can’t listen at the window, feel free to call when you get to work to check on your child. Remember that there is
an open-door policy in place here. You can drop in at any time to see your child and how they are interacting.

If you have an important issue to discuss with me, jot me a note or call me on the phone. All of the children arrive around
the same time, and I am busy getting everyone adjusted and beginning our day. Your issues are important to me, but my
first priority is taking care of the children.

At Pick-Up Time

You have had a long day at work. So have your children. They are eager to see you, and also eager to “show-off” a little.
Sometimes children try to bend the rules a little, testing to see who is in control. This puts me in an awkward situation. I
want your children to continue to respect me and my home, but at the same time, you are the parent and ultimately in
charge of your child. Please help your child follow the rules.

Again, if you have an important issue to discuss regarding your child, a note or an evening phone call after the kids are
asleep may be a better approach. I don’t always have the time to discuss a serious issue if there are other children here to
care for. (little kids have big ears!) On the other hand, I do like to give you brief information about your child’s day.

Please encourage your children to remain with you until you are ready to leave. As children come and go at different times,
I do not have their belongings/projects/notes home always ready to go. I am not real comfortable with children running
toward their cars, even on this quiet street. Also, please be aware of other children playing outside, riding bikes, etc.

*Finally, please do not threaten your child with “daycare” as the punishment. I care for your children a great deal, and
give them a loving, safe environment to spend their day in. I work really hard to provide fun and activities for your
children. We all have our bad days, but the thought of a child unhappy to be here because she/he feels it’s a punishment is
hurtful to me.
make time for them.